然而, the pandemic caused people to rethink their priorities and has brought organisations and people closer together. 员工体验的三个主要方面——员工期望, the environment and moments that occur in an employee’s journey — have not changed, 但大流行带来了新的问题:
- 如何让弹性工作制发挥作用
- How to hire, onboard and manage/coach employees with a dispersed or virtual 工作place
- 如何在分布式或虚拟网络中工作、协作和交流
- How to move from offering well-being policies to actively partnering with employees in their health and wellness
- How to create a frictionless digital 工作 environment to ensure new technology supports 工作 rather than hindering it — and that people enjoy interacting with the technology
People no longer want to 工作 for a company; they want to 工作 with them. This signals an urgent need to differentiate the employee experience to attract and 保留 top talent — 85% of companies are co-creating employee experiences with their people (GTT 2022).
Co-creation is an important aspect as employees’ 工作-related needs and desires vary based on their:
- 性别
- 一代
- 工作水平
- 照料家庭地位
And their needs and experience are not constant; shifting as different parts of an employee’s life change — 工作, 个人, 金融, 健康和幸福. Considering the whole person and dynamically adjusting to employee needs requires a strategic yet nuanced approach. It also requires gaining actionable insights on an ongoing basis, at the right time. This is just one key dimension to building a stronger 工作force and a human-centred, 由, 消费级员工体验.
- 丰富
- 非常高效。
- 拥抱
- 善解人意
但一刀切的方法是行不通的. 拥有健壮的战略和治理框架, 员工倾听和数据洞察, 能力和通信, and digital tools in place to support a 个人ised employee-experience will be key. 这样做可以创造竞争优势. Our research shows that agile companies are twice as likely to say they have made great inroads in creating, 然后继续实验, a positive employee experience (Global 人才 Trends 2022) — one that is aligned with the 员工价值主张 and digital transformation ambitions.
美世可以帮助您创建个性化的, 技术支持和消费级员工体验:
- 员工听
- 员工价值主张策略
- total 奖励 assessment and design (including 奖励, benefits and wellness)
- 员工沟通
- 灵活的工作策略
- 思维研讨会
- 技术实现
- 人物角色和旅程映射
- 组织文化评估
How far along are you in shaping a compelling and 个人ised employee experience? 美世 can support you in understanding your employees’ needs and drive positive business outcomes by:
我们的专家有工具, deep knowledge and experience to evolve your employee experience strategy and your supporting engagement, 员工价值主张, 总奖励和宣传计划. Combining 美世’s deep research with the latest insights from the science of employee engagement and communications, our experts help craft and deliver strategic programmes and roadmaps that enhance the employee experience and drive improved performance.
We offer advisory capabilities and technologies that span all aspects of the employee experience. Our global reach includes 130 countries, 80 languages and a wide net工作 of local consultants.
员工体验设计We use design thinking methods combined with insights drawn from quantitative and qualitative data to define and shape solutions to better meet your peoples’ needs and bring out the best in them.
员工听我们通过量身定制的解决方案来获取人们的见解, 从我们的年度人口普查和脉搏调查到持续的倾听, 数字焦点小组和偏好研究.
员工的沟通美世’s 员工的沟通s solutions help companies make meaningful connections with employees about their careers, 福利和幸福-无论他们在哪里, 在任何设备上.
员工价值主张We support clients design differentiated 员工价值主张s to attract and 保留 talent.
灵活的工作美世 has proven experience in helping organisations create 灵活的工作 strategies to transition from fixed to hybrid structures.
多元化、公平和包容的解决方案美世与客户合作解决公平问题, 从公平薪酬到人才管理方式.